Gill's Story

Her recovery from ME after discovering

An effective Therapy Treatment

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I don’t remember when symptoms first started or the order of events, but I suffered for at least 7 years.

The worst thing is that Doctors can only diagnose M.E. by exclusion, which means going through lots of tests, all of which came back either normal or borderline.

The first time I remember was going to my GP for an appointment and struggling to walk home. When I managed to reach home I collapsed on the settee and cried my eyes out as I was so frightened of what was wrong with me.

I was treated for several conditions during this time including, menopause, over active thyroid, depression and a muscle disease. When I was finally diagnosed with ME it was by an Endocrinologist to whom I’d been sent to treat my thyroid when the GP couldn’t improve it. He said he didn’t think I was suffering from over active thyroid but that it was probably ME. My GP then agreed. I was sent to see an M.E. consultant and went through a course of Occupational Therapy to help me to live with ME as there was no cure. Pacing seemed to be my only option which meant I wasn’t allowed to do the things I enjoyed, even if I felt able to, as I would pay for it later. Fortunately I didn’t follow this as I know now rest was not what my body wanted. So I had a diagnosis, but no treatment or prognosis - a depressing thought.

I didn’t tell many people my diagnosis, I was lucky that my close family believed I was ill but some people treat you as a hypochondriac, telling you that you look alright. That’s very hurtful, though understandable as even the Doctors couldn’t explain it, and very few people see you when you can’t get out of bed, off the settee or climb stairs (I was very grateful that I live in a bungalow). There were lots of other symptoms which the Doctors tried to treat, but of course they didn’t cure me or get to the root cause of my illness. But this is the way conventional medicine views symptoms.

In 2003 my Mam, who had stayed with me and had therefore seen how ill I was, sent me a newspaper article about Dr David Mickel having had some success treating M.E. My husband found the website and, having been a trained nurse, what Dr Mickel had to say made so much sense to me that I booked a session straight away as I thought if it worked there would be a waiting list soon.

I went to London for my sessions as that was the nearest practitioner back then. I came out feeling I could get well, but most of all, that it was not rest that my body wanted. Hallelujah. I did what I was told and very soon could see an improvement which gave me the motivation to continue. I felt like someone had given me my life back and it was wonderful.

In 2004 Dr Mickel offered me to train as a therapist, an opportunity I couldn’t refuse. Having been a nurse and a midwife I was keen to get back into the caring profession and this was something I had first hand experience of.

I believe it can work for everyone that carries out the process. You don’t have to believe in it for it to work, but you do have to do it. Then it proves itself to you and, like me, gives you motivation to go on.

It would be dishonest to say I never get any symptoms but now I understand what they mean and have the tools to deal with them. So can you.

It is a privilege to have helped many people to regain their health and you can see some testimonials from past clients on my website.

I recommend anyone with M.E. Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia, but also many other conditions, read my website, the Mickel Therapy website and Dr Mickels book.

If this strikes a chord with you then book your first session. No one is committed to any number of sessions, start with one and go from there.

What Clients Say....

" I may have ‘lost’ a year to CFS but I have the rest of my life to enjoy."

"I shall be drinking a toast to you and Dr Mickel on New Years Eve! You have changed my life and I'm very grateful."

"I am pleased to say that I am feeling very well with lots of energy!"

"I feel everything is going extremely well. I've had no reoccurrence of symptoms since I last saw you."

"I have continued to recover and am now totally pain free and fatigue free."

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